Voilerie du Bassin http://www.voileriedubassin.com Fri, 22 Dec 2017 14:01:58 +0000 fr-FR hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=4.4.16 Bonjour tout le monde ! http://www.voileriedubassin.com/non-classe/bonjour-tout-le-monde/ http://www.voileriedubassin.com/non-classe/bonjour-tout-le-monde/#comments Mon, 05 Dec 2016 14:17:53 +0000 http://www.voileriedubassin.com/?p=1 Bienvenue dans WordPress. Ceci est votre premier article. Modifiez-le ou supprimez-le, puis lancez-vous !

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Lorem Ipsum http://www.voileriedubassin.com/environment/pest-management/ http://www.voileriedubassin.com/environment/pest-management/#respond Thu, 05 Nov 2015 16:39:36 +0000 http://www.voileriedubassin.com/?p=644 We are show you technologies related to agricultural and natural manufacturing under four key areas of accelerating change: Food, Sensors, Automation and Engineering. Sensors help agriculture by enabling real-time traceability and diagnosis of crop, livestock and farm machine states.

Food may benefit directly from genetic tailoring and potentially from producing meat directly in a lab. Automation will help agriculture via large-scale robotic and microrobots to check and maintain crops at the plant level.

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Les voiles http://www.voileriedubassin.com/vls-greement-vb-voiles/les-voiles/ http://www.voileriedubassin.com/vls-greement-vb-voiles/les-voiles/#comments Mon, 25 May 2015 09:17:53 +0000 http://your_website_url_here/?p=22 Après un premier échange, nous déterminons le type de voile, les matériaux et les détails de finition adaptés à votre programme de navigation.
Ensuite, la conception de la voile est faite (par VLS) à l aide du logiciel de dessin Sailpack.
La découpe laser des tissus est faite à la Rochelle d’après ce fichier informatique Sailpack.
La fabrication de tous nos produits se fait à Gujan-Mestras.

Nous proposons ensuite de conseils d’installation et d’utilisations.


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Le gréement http://www.voileriedubassin.com/vls-greement-vb-voiles/les-greements/ http://www.voileriedubassin.com/vls-greement-vb-voiles/les-greements/#comments Mon, 25 May 2015 09:14:33 +0000 http://your_website_url_here/?p=18 Nous prenons en charge tous travaux de manutention, remplacement, réparation de votre mat, gréement dormant (câbles), gréement courant (cordages), enrouleurs,…

Sertissage des câbles dans notre atelier à Gujan-Mestras.

Nous effectuons les travaux de matelotage (épissures sur tous types de cordages).


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Nos compétences http://www.voileriedubassin.com/non-classe/fruits-berries/ http://www.voileriedubassin.com/non-classe/fruits-berries/#comments Tue, 19 May 2015 09:15:26 +0000 http://your_website_url_here/?p=21 Thousands of people dream of having their own business and even more so be a successful entrepreneur. But what does it take to achieve success in the business industry?

One of the most successful entrepreneurs featured at the Forbes website, Wendy Lipton – Dibner said that « the success of your business would solely depend on you. The only thing you can rely on is your power to achieve your goal ».
She shared her success story at the Forbes website and said that when she was young she learned a very important business objective from her high school activity and that is to go out, explore, come back and explain how money is made in business. This is an objective she never forgot until she made millions for herself.

When she was already very successful, she never stopped understanding business and how it really works. Profit is the number one goal in business and how you make it is a natural talent. Yes, there may be a lot of guidelines given and showed on television and the internet but only you know how you will make your sales to the top.

Try to ponder on these notes when thinking of a business:

1.) Passion. Business may be set on profit but the core of your business should be something you love. Passion counts a lot in businesses because it also builds your determination in achieving your goal.

2.) Impact. Business is a big and competitive world, what will matter is how you make a difference to your market. How your business will impact your market. The profit of your business will rely on the impact of your business. The mark it will leave to your customers will make it grow.

3.) Three Guidelines.

If you have noticed, the three guidelines below are very simple and natural.

http://www.voileriedubassin.com/non-classe/fruits-berries/feed/ 2
notre expérience http://www.voileriedubassin.com/non-classe/seeds/ http://www.voileriedubassin.com/non-classe/seeds/#comments Thu, 07 May 2015 09:14:55 +0000 http://your_website_url_here/?p=20 Rumi, is the most popular Sufi poet in the world. His work is not only deep and intense, but also very ethereal. His poetry often stirs an emotion never touched and shows a facet never seen. This Buzzle article has a collection of some beautiful Rumi quotes that are worth reading, without which, life would literally feel quite disregarded.

« As you start to walk on the way, the way appears. »
« Let yourself be silently drawn by the strange pull of what you really love. It will not lead you astray. »
« Two there are who are never satisfied — the lover of the world and the lover of knowledge. »
« What you seek is seeking you. »
« Don’t be satisfied with stories, how things have gone with others. Unfold your own myth. »
« Raise your words, not voice. It is rain that grows flowers, not thunder. »
« You are not a drop in the ocean. You are the entire ocean in a drop. »
« Do you know what you are? You are a manuscript oƒ a divine letter. You are a mirror reflecting a noble face. This universe is not outside of you. Look inside yourself; everything that you want, you are already that. »
« Don’t grieve. Anything you lose comes round in another form. »
« Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself. »
« Stop acting so small. You are the universe in ecstatic motion. »
« Forget safety. Live where you fear to live. Destroy your reputation. Be notorious. »
« Start a huge, foolish project, like Noah…it makes absolutely no difference what people think of you. »
« When you go through a hard period, when everything seems to oppose you, … When you feel you cannot even bear one more minute, NEVER GIVE UP! Because it is the time and place that the course will divert! »

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How to Keep Your Heart Healthy http://www.voileriedubassin.com/uncategorized/article-6/ http://www.voileriedubassin.com/uncategorized/article-6/#comments Wed, 29 Apr 2015 10:14:39 +0000 http://your_website_url_here/?p=19 So how to keep your heart healthy? With so many heart diseases on the rise, most health-conscious people strive to seek the answer to this question. This article attempts to help you find the answer.

Go Green

When we speak of heart, we cannot miss out on the importance and benefits of plant foods. Vegetables are an excellent source of glutamic acid. It is a class of amino acid which helps keeping blood pressure at lower levels; safe levels, so to say. What’s more? Veggies lack cholesterol, fat and even calories, which otherwise tend to be the common culprits for causing heart diseases. Not to mention, the amount of vitamins and minerals that vegetables provide to the body do the most for health.

Be Active

Without the aid of daily exercise, maintaining a good overall health is just more than a daunting task. Exercises not only improve heart function, but also help in bringing down blood pressure, and cholesterol levels in the body. A mere 30 minutes stroll daily does good for the heart, if not much. It is recommended that sprinting is more beneficial for the heart, than jogging.

Reduce Oil

The next tip is about keeping oil from your diet. Although, you cannot avoid oil completely, you can keep its consumption to a small amount. Oils are a storehouse of calories and contain little nutrition. As they mostly comprise fat, they have all chances to lead to the development of plaque in the arteries thus, giving rise to some nasty heart problems. However, not all types of oil are unhealthy. Fish oil contains omega-3 fatty acids, which not only help in preventing cardiovascular diseases, but also reduce instances of heart attack. According to a study published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology, a group of patients with cardiovascular disease had 30% less likelihood of heart attack because of omega-3 fatty acids. Best sources include salmon, mackerel and herring. Flaxseed, walnuts, and soybeans are also good sources.

Cut the Smoke

If you think you cannot shun the habit of smoking, then you might as well know that you cannot do anything good for your heart. One of the most severe risks of smoking relates to heart diseases in almost every smoker. Quit smoking, and you have done half the job in keeping your heart healthy!

Lose Weight

If your figure is slim, and belly flat, then you may have less things to worry about heart diseases. I am talking about weight loss. Being overweight puts extra load on the heart thus, increases the risk of heart conditions. So, consume less sugary foods and more of fiber and complex carbohydrates, and fruits and vegetables. Maintaining a healthy weight is one of the basic necessities for a healthy heart today.

Add More Fiber

Fiber exists in two major groups; soluble (dissolves in water) and insoluble (does not dissolve in water). Although both the types are beneficial to health, it is the former type that does way better to reduce cholesterol levels in the body. Due to its soluble nature, it binds with the cholesterol in the intestines thus, keep it from being absorbed. This keeps the level of LDL and total cholesterol down, while not affecting the HDL cholesterol level in any way. All a healthy person requires is a serving of 5 to 10 grams or more of soluble fiber in a day to avail this benefit of low cholesterol. Foods rich in this fiber include apples, peas, kidney beans, prunes, etc.

Beware of Saturated Fats

It is important that you limit the amount of saturated and trans fats you consume from your food. These spike cholesterol levels in the body thus, increasing the risk of coronary artery disease. So avoid or limit consumption of food such as red meat, dairy products, coconut oil, palm oil. These are rich in saturated fatty acids. To avoid trans fats, eat less of fast foods, bakery products, snacks, crackers, and margarines. Go for foods rich in healthy fats such as polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats.

Eat Less Salt

Sodium is good for the body, but in petty amounts. High salt intake means high blood pressure, which eventually points out to heart conditions. When sodium starts accumulating in the blood, it attracts water which in turn, increases the blood volume. Now to keep this blood circulating through the blood vessels, the heart has to work harder thus, causing high blood pressure. The recommended amount of sodium in the food per day must be less than 2300 milligrams.

Take the Right Medication

In most cases, heart diseases are also related to the use of drugs. So, it is important that you take medicines as prescribed by the doctors, or get them altered if necessary.

Moderate Alcohol

Drinking alcohol in moderate amounts does not harm the body. In fact, some studies show that moderate consumption provides some benefits for the heart. However, the habit of drinking is analogous to walking on thin ice. It is not difficult for any one to step out of his limit, and become a heavy drinker. So, ensure that either you stick to moderate drinking or you don’t drink at all.

Manage Stress

Stress has also been known to be one of the common culprits of heart problems. Any stressful situation elevates blood pressure and this response takes its toll on the heart. So, keep yourself relaxed by practicing meditation, yoga, and other relaxation techniques.

To conclude, make a note of the above methods, and keep them handy in case you find it difficult to recall them. And now I would like to take your leave, as I have some sprinting to do! Take care!

http://www.voileriedubassin.com/uncategorized/article-6/feed/ 3
Four Types of Verbal Communication http://www.voileriedubassin.com/uncategorized/article-5/ http://www.voileriedubassin.com/uncategorized/article-5/#comments Tue, 21 Apr 2015 10:14:27 +0000 http://your_website_url_here/?p=17 Verbal communication include sounds, words, language, and speech. Speaking is an effective way of communicating and helps in expressing our emotions in words. This form of communication is further classified into four types, which are:

1. Intrapersonal Communication

This form of communication is extremely private and restricted to ourselves. It includes the silent conversations we have with ourselves, wherein we juggle roles between the sender and receiver who are processing our thoughts and actions. This process of communication when analyzed can either be conveyed verbally to someone or stay confined as thoughts.

2. Interpersonal Communication

This form of communication takes place between two individuals and is thus a one-on-one conversation. Here, the two individuals involved will swap their roles of sender and receiver in order to communicate in a clearer manner.

3. Small Group Communication

This type of communication can take place only when there are more than two people involved. Here the number of people will be small enough to allow each participant to interact and converse with the rest. Press conferences, board meetings, and team meetings are examples of group communication. Unless a specific issue is being discussed, small group discussions can become chaotic and difficult to interpret by everybody. This lag in understanding information completely can result in miscommunication.

4. Public Communication

This type of communication takes place when one individual addresses a large gathering of people. Election campaigns and public speeches are example of this type of communication. In such cases, there is usually a single sender of information and several receivers who are being addressed.

http://www.voileriedubassin.com/uncategorized/article-5/feed/ 3
Agricultural seeds http://www.voileriedubassin.com/features/agricultural-seeds/ http://www.voileriedubassin.com/features/agricultural-seeds/#comments Tue, 24 Mar 2015 10:13:08 +0000 http://your_website_url_here/?p=16 When it comes to remodeling an office, one of the most important aspects is painting. Any shade of paint can change the complete look of a room as a color has an ability to change a drab and boring room into a stunning one. Many people prefer to paint their homes in serene colors as it relaxes the mind. There are many hues of colors to choose from that match the atmosphere of a room.

An office is a place where many people come and go. Choose some paint colors that will stimulate the employees, relax the customers and make them feel welcome. Here are some ideas for interior paint colors and combinations to remodel your office and make it look more appealing to the vision.
Avoid using white, as this color gives a very sterile look to the walls. Remember a shade of color can make a room look large or small. So, it is better to avoid black or dark colors that will give off a repulsive look to your office.
The popular choice of paint colors that will give a soothing and inviting look to your office are beige, tan, light yellow and some shades of blue.
When you choose paint colors for your office make sure that these colors have a resemblance to the flooring and office furniture.

These were some tips for choosing paint colors. Before you paint the walls of the room, always paint a small portion of the wall to check how it looks. If you are satisfied with the result, you can go ahead with the task, or else you can always try other combinations. Whatever color you choose, make sure that it serves its purpose and brightens up the atmosphere of the room. Happy painting!

http://www.voileriedubassin.com/features/agricultural-seeds/feed/ 3
Seed traits & technologies http://www.voileriedubassin.com/features/seed-traits-technologies/ http://www.voileriedubassin.com/features/seed-traits-technologies/#comments Tue, 17 Mar 2015 10:12:56 +0000 http://your_website_url_here/?p=15 Learn which five most common mistakes a new manager is likely to make, and how to avoid them.

Mistake No.1 – Who’s the Boss?

Some of your subordinates will be young and new, eager to follow you. But, the experienced ones might be more resistant to your directives. especially if it comes across as an order, disregarding their experience or suggestions. Though, being the one with the responsibility, you also need to assert your authority, and make sure your employees respect you and follow you.
Your subordinates have a working style of their own, and it will not work well to dictate your ways on them. Stay cool as long as they are committed to the work, compliance is another matter. Set targets and deadlines, but do not interfere in their work, especially if they are long-standing employees in the company, even though you are the one in the upper position.

Mistake No. 2 – I Want to Be the Cool Guy

While understanding your subordinates’ viewpoint and respecting their opinions is important, it is another thing if you are letting them run the show or take it easy. It is you, after all, who will have to explain things when the performance falls.
Everyone hates to be the bad guy, that too, when you are new. But you have to find a balance between micromanaging and giving no direction at all. Keep your mind open for suggestions, listen to everyone, but ultimately you have to decide on the final direction your team/company takes. Also, do not excuse any slack behavior. Tardiness or frequent leaves should not be taken lightly.

Mistake No. 3 – Setting Uniform, Inflexible Rules

If an employee is frequently late or absent, take him/her to task, but first, do understand the reasons behind this issue. Some of them might be suffering from a health condition, or they might have a sick relative at home. Same goes for other aspects of the job too.
While focusing on performance and target, it is easy to forget that you are dealing with people – not processes or software which are programmed to run in a certain way. Understand that every employee is different, and will respond differently to authority or pressure. Rather than take offense, it is best to find a way around.

Mistake No. 4 – Not Being Clear With Instructions

A few months? What exactly do you mean by few – is it two or six? As the planner, you might have a clear, precise idea of what you want. But you also need to convey that to your subordinates. Being too vague can leave them confused and lose trust in you.
Make a clear, concise, and precise guideline. Give the employees fixed goals and targets. Numbers, not approximates. They need to have a proper idea of how their performance will be measured, to stay motivated and work efficiently and smartly.

Mistake No. 5 – Overestimating Yourself and Your Team

New managers are often eager and overenthusiastic. Free from the crutches of their B-school or the restrictions of their previous job, they want to prove a lot. Brimming with new ideas, they just can’t wait to implement them and the processes that they learned. They want to bring about a positive change, and fast.
This enthusiasm is very infectious, affecting the entire team, resulting in a boost in productivity and morale. But, unfortunately, it also means that the goals they set are also unrealistically high. Other employees may take time adjusting to the sudden changes a new manager and his new processes demand. Add to that, they both will need to be perfected and tweaked till you get the expected results. So, set realistic goals, and accept that the new processes might also result in losses.

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